
Nuts and T-Bolts 

Prices that are far more competitive than any other  

Supplier, with unsurpassed quality. 


Heavy Duty Flange Nuts: 

Pt. # Fn12hd  ½ – 13 

Pt.#  Fn38hd 3/8 – 16 



Supplied in both 3/8 -16 

Threads and ½-13 

Bolts supplied with 7/8” sq. Base and 1.125” sq. Base with 1/4″ thickness 


Curved T-Bolt 

Part #’s & specs of curved base  t-bolts for Dovey attachments on  t-collars  with ½” thread 

1-1000 t-bolt 1 1/8 sq.Head 1/2 thread $ 24.00      

Dm501-1250 t-bolt 1 1/8 sq.Head 1/2 thread $ 24.00  

Dm501-1500 t-bolt 1 1/8 sq.Head 1/2 thread $ 24.00 

Dm501-1750 t-bolt 1 1/8 sq.Head 1/2 thread $ 24.00 

Dm501-2000 t-bolt 1 1/8 sq.Head 1/2 thread $ 24.00 

Dm501-2250 t-bolt 1 1/8 sq.Head 1/2 thread $ 24.00 

Dm501-2500 t-bolt 1 1/8 sq.Head 1/2 thread $ 24.00 

Dm501-3000 t-bolt 1 1/8 sq.Head 1/2 thread $ 24.00 

Dm501-3500 t-bolt 1 1/8 sq.Head 1/2 thread $ 24.00 

The cost of t-bolt longer than 4.000 is $28.00 and up 


Typical attachment: the last four (4) numbers indicate the  

Length of the shank of the bolt. 

The head of this t- bolt is curved to accomodate the radius in the t-slot. 


The Dovey T-Collar T Nut 

Specs: manufactured in 4130 Steel to specs of 11/8 X 1 X 3/4” base and with 1/2-13 thread. 

Cost:  $18.00  

Delivery:  ex stock.