Replacement rollers for all makes of conveyor systems, with unsurpassed quality and competitive prices.
Rollers are supplied in zinc flow coat tubing with high-precision bearings with 5/8 or 11/16 hex shaft.
Rollers are 2.500” in diameter and manufactured from 11 gage flow coat cold rolled steel tube with welded seam, press fitted bearings with 5/8” or 11/16 hex shaft.
Rollers are supplied in drop in, or spring-loaded format and for chain-driven systems as well.
Delivery: Approximately 1 week after receipt of order.
For more info regarding price and delivery, please contact us.
All orders can be made through phone, fax, or email. Reach out to our team if you have any questions about our products, shipping information, or how to place your order. Prices subject to change.
Phone: 800-457-2576
Fax: 765-649-1934